
Oh shit, it's been 4 years. It literally took a pandemic, Black Lives Matter, a baby, the Great Resignation, and an economic crisis for me to end up back on here. After all my failed ventures, it's almost comforting to know that this blog is still here. It's consistent, it's reliable, and it has all... Continue Reading →

Basic White Girl

Today, I felt like I was in a movie scene about white suburban women learning what it was like to be "diverse" by being next to an Asian person. I never felt "more cultured" or "more diverse" than the average person before, until today. Most of my friends outside of work are Asian, so the... Continue Reading →


Sometimes we see something happen on tv or someone tells us about something that happened to them and we tell ourselves we would handle it differently. We would handle it better. If that happened to me, this is what I would do, this is what I would say. I mentally prepare myself so that I'm... Continue Reading →

Nine to Five

I had a throwback moment this morning when YouTube started playing All American Rejects' "Gives You Hell" on my phone. I remembered when I first heard this song, freshman year of college, it demonized a stable 9-5 job and glorified the rebel rock life. It's been 10 years since the release of that song and... Continue Reading →

Apartment Hunting

I started apartment hunting since I need to move out this summer. Being a writer, I think it's hilarious how some of these listings describe apartments, because it's all the tricks I would probably use too. Vintage/Rustic = Old Cozy/Comfy/Cute = Small/Cramped Artsy = Industrial Minimalist = Literally minimal amenities and upgrades

Ethnic Food vs. American Food

I had a conversation with a former (white) boss once. We talked about "ethnic food" and I said how I think it's kind of funny and strange that we classify Asian, Hispanic, African, and European food as ethnic, but not American. Because technically all food is ethnic. She looked at me confused (and as if I'm wrong)... Continue Reading →

Safety as a Right, Not a Privilege

I was reading this story yesterday, and it really stuck with me because I couldn't shake the thought of how that's been so real in my life. I know women are harassed daily, regularly and I think it's become so common to hear, that it's become normalized. When a guy hits on you at a bar -... Continue Reading →

True Freedom

I was let go from my job yesterday. That's a nice way of saying I was fired. And you know what, I feel pretty good. If you've been following me since the beginning of this blog, you'll know that there's been a lot of adventures searching for the right career. From being unemployed, to retail,... Continue Reading →

Employee of the Month

Yesterday, I had a town hall meeting at work where they recognized employees for their hard work. There was one man in particular that they really wanted to thank because he worked beyond work hours, got the job done, was always available, and he did it all with a smile on his face. At that... Continue Reading →

The Hipster Chronicles

I only drink coffee from cafes where the barista himself went and picked his own beans in South America, roasted them, ground them, and hand poured it into my mug. Audiobooks are for people who are lazy, dumb, or stupid. The only books I read are first editions. When I have a decision to make, I... Continue Reading →

Freedom Never Felt so Sweet

Just over a week ago, I quit my job. My past 2 posts have literally been about my job, so I'm sure you're aware of how much it's been poisoning my life. Quitting was one of the hardest decisions I ever made because I literally have no backup plan. Normally, I would wait until I found... Continue Reading →

Agency Life Is Shitting on My Face

Past few months, my boss has kept saying that we need to show other people in our company and our clients the value of content marketing. We're not just kids with a keyboard, but we actually have a strategy and thought process that goes into everything we do. I've come to realize that writing is... Continue Reading →

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